“Is time similar for a being with an endoskeleton like a human being to a being with an exoskeleton like a lobster? Certainly, a lobster can sense when its exoskeleton has been replaced by another because it has become too small and is preventing it from growing. This is a biological experience that humans do not experience. Their endoskeleton grows for a while along with everything else, and then they stop growing. A lobster changes its exoskeleton every two months and can live for 100 years. This means that it can feel the passage of time 600 times. Perhaps it can count this, perhaps not. We have no way of knowing how a lobster experiences and counts time. A human can live on average 80 years and he cannot change any bones, although his bone mass may decline after a certain age. A lobster-man would probably experience time very differently from a lobster and from a human. He would have the advantage of reflecting in extremely deep, physiological, philosophical and physical ways about the passage of time. Perhaps he even collected his exoskeletons, something a lobster does not do (at least as far as we know). Lobsters have been shedding their exoskeletons and experiencing time for 75 million years. Hominids have existed for 2 to 6 million years and only really became a species with high cognitive capacity 200,000 years ago. Lobsters have had much more time than homo-sapiens to solve the paradoxes of time, but they have not bothered to do so and the lack of science has not affected their existence and evolution. But man can decree his extinction and "the end of times" through a nuclear war, something that lobsters would probably consider stupid... because they want to keep shedding exoskeletons and producing little lobsters. Do we still have time to learn something from lobsters? This is a question that physicists generally do not ask.”
This metaphor was created by me while watching the following video.
Today I was tempted to submit this metaphor to ChatGPT and the result was surprising and fascinating. The concept of a lobster- man like AI not only has a precise definition, but also an initial code generated by artificial intelligence. Now all that's left is for an IT engineer to put it to the test.